Second Annual NSOA Pickleball Tournament
March 9, 2025
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Our popular pickleball tournament fundraiser is back!
Join us Sunday, March 9
Grab a partner and join the NSOA for our second-annual pickleball tournament benefitting the Northland Symphony Orchestra Association! Tournament will take place on Chicken n Pickle’s indoor courts in North Kansas City.
T-shirts are first come, first served!
We have limited spots and lots of interest in this tournament, so don’t wait to sign up! Grab a partner and join the NSOA for our second-annual pickleball tournament benefitting the Northland Symphony Orchestra Association! Teams can register as any configuration of doubles pairs: men’s, women’s or mixed, but both teammates must be 12 years of age or older.
Included with tournament entry:
- 3 guaranteed pickleball games (and more if you progress in the tournament)
- T-shirt (limited quantity- first come, first served)
- NSOA drawstring swag bag
- Entries to our door prize raffle to be given out throughout the event
- Prizes for our first and second place teams.